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Recent content by maragfct

  1. M

    IPTV Subscription

    How long: 3 months Which device: Enigma2 Which country: Croatia Payment: PayPal ONLY
  2. M

    LIVE TV, VOD last few months unwatchable in prime time

    That is why I wrote it all in details, because I expected ridiculous reply (get faster internet) like yours. :rolleyes:
  3. M

    LIVE TV, VOD last few months unwatchable in prime time

    Hello When I bought rapid IPTV first time, few years back, it was the best service overall I think. Quality of channels offered, especially native resolution channels in 1080i with original subtitles, like BBC HD for example and the others are the best solution available, even today. But...
  4. M

    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    App version is 5.0.1 No new update available
  5. M

    App tip for Android ** XCIPTV **

    I can download content but it is empty, no categories for LIVE TV or SERIES (Android , Sony OLED)
  6. M

    Channel Request

    Name of channel: 5 Sport 4K Country: Israel Kind of channel: Sport Lyngsat: https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/il/5-Sport-4K.html Name of channel: One UHD (Israel) Country: Israel Kind of channel: Sport Lyngsat: https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/il/One.html
  7. M

    4k channels not UHD

  8. M

    4k channels not UHD

    1080p 50 fps is a nice upgrade from 25 fps, by HDR is an another galaxy. EURO 2020 in 4k HDR was unforgettable experience in that format. SAt1 4k HDR season opener, Borussia vs Bayern was fantastic experience. Overall football in 4k HDR in something else.
  9. M

    4k channels not UHD

    Again new channels added, in 4k, which are not in 4k at all RTP 1 4K PT – LIVE: Portugal 1080p RTS Deux 4K CH – LIVE: Switzerland 1080p and we already have RTP 1 FHD PT and RTS Deux HD CH in the same format. Really strange. I don't understand what is the point here?!
  10. M

    4k channels not UHD

    Channels are not encoded, they send them native, also not each user is server as a single streamer if using Multicast protocol (one single stream for all users) Large scale, what is large scale, if those mention channels use native 4k format, no reason why few more could not be added , also if...
  11. M

    4k channels not UHD

    I forgot to include also TRT 4k and Eurosport 4k RU, also all streaming here in native 4k using hevc codec
  12. M

    4k channels not UHD

    Not sure what you mean by HEVC and not viable 4k stream because lots of NATIVE 4k stream are OK here on RAPID IPTV and all of them in HEVC codec of course, like for example RAI 4k, Ultra Nature 4k , RTL UHD even in HDR, UHD 1 HDR, MOOZ 4k, HOME 4k, V Sports UHD SE sometimes native 4k, 4k...
  13. M

    4k channels not UHD

    Hi guys, lots of recent channels added are not in 4k at all (1080p) or they are using fake, non native 4k channels source resolution (4k resolution but from HD source), for example: Sport TV 1 UHD 4K PT - HD source Discovery+ 1 4K SE - down V Sport Ultra UHD DK - 1080p Benfica TV 1 UHD PT...
  14. M

    Australian channels down

    Looks like again the main Australian channels are down: FOX Sports 504 FHD AU FOX Sports 503 FHD AU ESPN FHD AU ESPN 2 FHD AU etc
  15. M

    HDR, HDR10+ et Dolby Vision

    There is few channels already on HDR: RTL UHD 4K DE, I forgot which one , but there is lots of 4k Movies in HDR available too.